The members of our team are recognized as one of the most experienced lawyers in the energy sector, especially in the field of electricity trading, renewable energy sources, electricity efficiency, market models and legislation development. With the ongoing progress of the energy market, Vladimirov Kiskinov has established as a leading law firm in the Energy sector and is presently confided in by most of the major electricity traders on the Bulgarian market. Our team is thoroughly engaged and supports the market participants in their daily demands for specialized regulatory legal assistance, and also actively participates in the development of the regulatory and market environment by advising the Free energy market association. Our experience on the electricity market also includes undertaking the necessary steps for the obtaining of an electricity trading license, legal services in relation with contracts for sale and purchase of electricity, EFET, ISDA, structuring of balancing groups, assistance with regulatory disputes, representation before the Bulgarian Water and Rnergy Regulatory Commission, the Bulgarian Commission for Protection of Competition, the Electricity System Operator, the electricity network operators, the Bulgarian National Electricity Company, the producers, the Sustainable Energy Development Agency and the competent institutions. With the development of the gas market in Bulgaria, Vladimirov Kiskinov assists the natural gas traders with the advancement of their activity and the establishment of trade relations in the sector. An example of our knowledge in the field of Energy law is that our Managing partner and founder Nickolay Kiskinov participated in the preparation of the Third energy package at the European Parliament and is the author of the first book about the legal aspects of the renewable energy sources in the Republic of Bulgaria. Additional recognition for his proficiency in the sector is that he has been invited as a lecturer on the electricity disciplines in the leading Bulgarian universities. The experience of our team includes also a 1900 MV project for wind, photovoltaic and water power plants. We are one of the few law firms that provide first class legal services on environmental projects, as we have experience in the environmental authorization procedures, waste management, emissions allocation and trading, litigation and pollution claims support. In light of the rising importance of the environmental regulations to the industry and the challenges of the climate changes, we have developed an expertise in the assistance provided to our clients with regard to the specifics of the transition to green economy. Striving to meet the constantly increasing needs of the industry, we offer services for environmental compliance review with regard to the conformity with the regulatory requirements pursuant to the future and current legislative norms.
+ 359 2 9881828 lawyers@vladimirov-kiskinov.euSofia, Bulgaria, No 6 Nayden Gerov Str., Fl.4, Office 7